Webquest 1

Rock and Roll Webquest 1

This is the first webquest that I developed for the History of Rock and Roll Club.


[Oldies Music]







                                                          Welcome to History of Rock and Roll


                                                                                                    This fun activity will supplement our club’s look at rock and roll history.


                                                                   ________________ Name


Please answer the following questions in your groups.


  1. What is the definition of “Rock and Roll” in the 50’s?





  1. Name 5 instruments used in the early “Rock and Roll” Bands.




  1. Why was Elvis Presley the “King” of “Rock and Roll?”





You can find the information for the three questions above at the following website:



  1. Name three British invasion bands that influenced rock music in the 60’s.





  1. What is the standardized format for a rock group popularized by the Beatles?






  1. What changed in the late 60’s?





You can find the information for the three questions above at the following website:



  1. Who were the Rock and Roll legends that John Lennon was compared to?





  1. Because John Lennon was born during WWII, what theme did his songs embrace?





  1. Why did John Lennon have to battle the U.S. Government in the early 70’s?





You can find the information for the three questions above at the following website:



10. Name the five members (first name only) of “Paul Revere and the Raiders.”






You can find the answer to this question at the following website:



Once you have complete this Webquest, check your answers with the answer key and see what type of Rock and Roll Historian you would make.


Grading Rubric for this WebQuest:


Number of Correct Answers

 Rating (Grade)

8 to 10 Correct

A True Rock and Roll Historian (Outstanding)

6 to 7 Correct

You are on your way to being a Rock and Roll Historian (Satisfactory)

5 or less Correct

Sign up for Remedial Rock and Roll (Not Acceptable)

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